My story while on a Spring Break trip this March in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, sounds very similar to other stories on this site. After reading through all of these I wish I had seen them before I went on this horrible trip. While staying at the Iberostar resort in Playa Del Carmen I believe I was drugged. Waking up in a random place with no recollection of anything or anyone around to help. This was not like being drunk, this was complete unconsciousness. I thank god every single day that I made it through that night alive. After seeing the story of the young woman who passed away at the Iberostar in January of this year I found this site and pray that these stories catch the attention of the whole world so people will stop traveling to this country, and the innocent lives lost deserve justice. It's crazy how her death happened in January, but it's just now reaching national headlines. I spent a week at the same resort in March and heard nothing of any incidents, not even from any fellow tourists. I'm so very saddened to see all of these stories.