
I was extorted 400 dollars by a mexican "landlord" who tried to start beating me like I was a plantation slave. He punched me in the face once, and I sent him to the hospital, but then his sleaze-bag lawyer said I had to pay his medical costs, which were clearly inflated. Then, coming back to the US, I was attacked by a gang of 6 aggressive panhandler thugs in Juarez. After that, I was attacked by homeland security border guards, who demanded docility, and who were angered when they found my concealed body armor. So I defended myself against them--a hispanic grand jury indicted me, and a hispanic El Paso judge made a felon out of me--all for going to mexico, because I fell in love with a girl. Now my life is ruined; can't go to medical school, can't cross the border, can't get a job. The mexicans are scum of the earth. I was almost killed by a mexican army thug with a machine gun at a corrupt interior checkpoint between Chihuahua city, and El Paso. He threat ened me. We were also pulled over, right outside of Juarez, by police who didn't have uniforms or badges, but who used their guns as badges. We were just supposed to automatically respect men in a car with guns. Fuck that run-down, dirt-bag country.



