My heart goes out to you all. We just left Cabo San Lucas and had a fantastic time, with no issues thank goodness, however I wanted to comment on something I saw while there was a general disregard for human life or just care for life. We were at Breathless and I noticed a man passed out on the beach. It was very very hot out, he was face down, probably drunk but people were just walking by him. At first I thought he was just taking a nap, but after swimming in the pool for bout an hour I noticed he had not moved, still laying in the hot Cabo sun. I told two separate security guards who refused to do anything. I got the feeling that they wanted nothing to do with helping or checking on this man, because then they would be involved or have to help. We sat eating dinner with the man in our view, finally I urged my boyfriend to go check on him and offer him water. He responded but told my boyfriend away and confined to lay there. I keep thinking about it and how the resort staff was downright inhumane. Someone drunk, laying in the hot hot sun dehydrating for hours, heat stroke, etc. After reading all these stories, it's horrible, they treat people like stray dogs. I'm surprised to keep up tourism the police or security don't go more but it make me wonder if some of it is cultural.... "mind your own business." I think the best lesson that can go out to travelers is to not only watch out for yourself, but take care of your neighbors, if you see something, say something and if you need to, make a stink until someone responds.... you may save a life!