
I was interested in the story I read on Facebook and after reading it I realized that I should most likely respond and ask if perhaps I could somehow tell my story or become involved in this plight!!! I am a single mom and hadn’t been on a vacation in over 14 years! In October of 2015 I decided it was time. I was dating a man at the time and he accompanied me on this trip! We used a friend to book it through a travel company and wanted something mid range in price yet still of high quality. We chose an all inclusive holiday at the Grand Sirenis in the Mayan Rivera. I cant complain about the staff or the environment or our accommodations as it was all seemingly very good. We had the typical entertainment features at any of the inclusives and enjoyed 3 a la carte menu dinners as well as the usual buffet style meals anytime daily. Drinks unlimited from any of the bars in the complex. During one of our final evenings there was a beach party disco and we decided to join in on it. My partner wasn’t into the dancing scene however there was another couple whom we had met during the plane ride and throughout many of the excursion meetings there so we started to talk to them. My partner and her husband stayed up at the bar area while we danced the night away to some loud salsa type music with lights etc. It was extremely hot and we were having fun. I had one drink before going to the beach party and my partner ordered me another drink while there from the beach bar. They were in red plastic cups like at any disposable party or for beer pong. I took mine with me to the dance floor. It was something called a funky monkey or chocolate munkey. I was dancing with several women at the dance floor and a very tall young man danced with me fairly close. The music was so loud I couldn’t hear what he was saying but just kept dancing. I was finishing my drinks and feeling hot so decided to come off the dance floor. I walked towards the outskirts of the floor and collapsed to the sand face down. I don’t remember anything after!!!!! I literally had 2 drinks!!!! My partner advised me he saw me and rushed over got a plastic chair and sat me in it having to support me in it as I was falling forward out of it. There’s no way I was that drunk he was surprised as was the other couple?!!! They called for the staff to get the golf cart to drive me back to my room and building. Thank god I wasn’t alone or who knows what could of happened??!!I maintained to this day until I read this article I was drugged!!! I have been drunk wasted pissed or whatever before this was not the case no way!!! I had 2 drinks even if they were pure alcohol no way in heck I was that way consuming 2. I blacked out!! Unconscious!!! didn’t know anything. The story from my partner was I entered the room fell to the floor and started to vomit non stop all-night long!! I layed in it unable to hold my head up! This continued all night long and I slept on the floor beside the toilet. I came to the next day unable to function at all. He helped me clean up and I layed in bed the entire day. I was unable to eat stay awake or recall what had happened. The last recollection I had was dancing! I wasted an entire day of my vacation in bed and the next day was my birthday!! I was unable to go for my birthday meal. The rest of the holiday I was barely able to eat stay awake or function. I knew it was something more than being drunk!! Upon my return home I started back to work and a few days later I had a issue with my bladder and kidneys. I started to urinate blood. I filled the toilet with blood it hurt I had pain and to this day and a visit to the emergency room and IV fluids it is unexplained>??!!! Again I am in full belief it was poison drugs or something in my drink from that nightmare in Mexico!!!! I’m convinced this is what happened to me and to all the others!!! I am scared and afraid for anyone and everyone especially the you ng adults going for cheaper vacations thinking this wont happen to them!! Trust me it can and it might!! I had my drink in my hand imagine if I was all alone and nobody around I could be one of those other stats !! dead assaulted or in jail omg!!! Please let me know what can and needs to be done to stop this crime!!! Sincerely and thankfully, Trish



